Thursday, July 12, 2012

Meet the Twins

This is the first photo of the girls together. Being born extremely prematurely they were whisked away to the NICU and stored in separate isolettes. This was the first time we were able to hold both of them and they were able to see each other. It was the most amazing moment!


  1. oh my gosh they are holding hands. i love them and i don't even know them. i bet you're such a great momma. i'm SO SO SO glad (can't be emphasized enough) that you're blogging again. i've been wondering forever how pregnancy went for you all, how you were doing and if the little ladies were healthy. they are SO sweet. LOVE!!!!

  2. Hello,
    I just happened to come by your blog somehow and I noticed that you recenlty moved to Decatur, IL. My husband and I have, too. We have been here since January, 2012. We ended up buying a house in Forsyth. We both moved here to work for DMH. Which company is your husband associated with? Just thought I would say hi and that it is a small world. We really haven't met any one else here yet, so I thought it was neat to find someone who blogs from Decatur. MaryAnn
