Monday, August 3, 2009

Wedded Bliss

Everyone knows that the first year of marriage is suppose to be hard, but it has been my opinion that it is an absolutely wonderful time filled with new beginnings, new adventures, and new lessons. I have been so fortunate that my husband and I have not yet had a huge bump in the road that we cannot handle. In part because my wonderful handsome husband is such an amazing man, strong, powerful, understanding, and more importantly patient. Patrick and I have learned to lean on Christ before others and each other secondly. This was an incredibly hard thing for me to grasp, but taking time in reflection and prayer is the most awesome of gifts I have received.

Before the big day it is standard protocol in the Louisville Arch-Dioses that engaged couples complete a pre-marriage work shop and counseling. At the time I truthfully was annoyed by the thought of spending an entire day with couples I didn't know, learning about things I didn't care about, but thankfully my arrogance slipped away an I was able to listen and learn to the messages these wise people we trying to instill upon me. There were lessons about money, family life, intimacy, approved methods of birth control (yes the Catholic church ), but most importantly they shared with me and all my fellow betrothed friends the secret to a lasting marriage.

Although, I had been shown this secret by two very special people in my life I had never quite understood the power or truth behind it. The secret to a successful marriage is everlasting love! There it is in all its truth, but its not quite what every little girl thinks about when she thinks of her prince charming. The everlasting love that holds you together is first your love for god. Knowing Christ you and your partner truly know love, then are free to love each other in a such a unbelievable wonderful way. If i would have only payed attention sooner I would have seen it my whole life! My grandparents, Roger and Jan Swartz have been such a wonderful and shining example of humbleness and godliness and for them i will be eternally grateful. They have taught me "You've got to have love, and you've got to know god." It's quite simple really.

I think it has been through this message I have been able to experience such an amazing first year of marriage. Sure we have had some challenges, being relocated, buying our first home, living away from all of our family and friends, and figuring out that god's plan for our family might not be drawn yet. Through it all we've had love for each other, but most importantly for Christ and we've found our way through.

Let us love one another, for love comes from God.
Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.

1 John 4:7

My wonderful and amazing Grandparents. My inspiration for a perfect Marriage!

1 comment:

  1. CASSIE!!

    I loved everything about that post! I am so excited to hear about your walk with the Lord. What a blessing to know that one of my oldest friends is also my sister in Christ!

    Love you & I'm so excited to stay updated (via blog) on all the awesome things that God's doing in your life & your marriage!!
